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Scripting for non-developers


Datagrok scripting essentials

This section explains the basic concepts of scripting in Datagrok. Code examples are provided in Python, R, and JavaScript.

Consider JavaScript

In Datagrok, JavaScript offers unique benefits compared to traditional data science languages like Python or R.

JavaScript script executes right in your browser, leading to:

  • shorter spin-up time,
  • and better debugging experience.

Datagrok provides an extensive JavaScript API, giving you:

  • detailed control over viewer parameters,
  • access to core Datagrok functions.

How to create a script

You can create a script directly on the platform in two ways:

  • Open Datagrok (e.g. public homepage)
  • Select Browse icon on the left toolbar.
  • Select Datagrok's Scripts section.
  • Click on the "New" button and create a new script in your preferred language.

The code editor appears with the code inside.

#name: Template
#description: Calculates the number of cells in the table
#language: python
#tags: template, demo
#sample: cars.csv
#input: dataframe table [Data table]
#output: int count [Number of cells in the table]
count = table.shape[0] * table.shape[1]

Congratulations, you've just written a script in Datagrok! Let's explore how it works.

Script header

Each Datagrok script has a header. A header contains header parameters - special comment strings used by Datagrok to determine script name and language, pass to the script input parameters, and capture script output.

The template script has the following ones:

  • name: Template: The short name of the script.
  • description: Calculates the number of cells in the table: The human-readable description.
  • language: python: The script language. Supported: R, Python, Octave, Julia, JavaScript.
  • tags: template, demo: The list of the tags used to organize and search scripts.
  • input: dataframe table [Data table]: The input parameter specification. The table is the parameter name, and dataframe is the parameter type. See the supported parameter types for details.
  • output: int count [Number of cells in the table]: The output parameter specification: The int variable with the name count.

For more details, refer to the functions parameter annotation.

Runtime environment

For each language, Datagrok uses a predefined header and creates an environment with the set of pre-installed packages.

import os
import io
import json
import pandas as pd
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

How to run a script

Let's save the script and see how it works. The built-in editor has the Run button on the top panel. Press it to run a script. You will see the following window:

When you run a script, Datagrok analyzes header parameters to create an input form and show the outputs.

Provide a dataframe for the script and press OK to run it. You can choose an already opened dataframe, open a dataframe from a file, or retrieve it via SQL query.

After the script finishes, Datagrok collects all output parameters and displays them. In the provided example, this is a single scalar value shown in the Variables panel. You will see the following output:

Pro tip

Depending on the metadata associated with the parameters, the editor can be enriched by validators, choices, and suggestions. Validators, choices, and suggestions are functions, that means they can be implemented in different ways (database query, script, etc.), and reused.

Running previously saved scripts

To run the previously saved script, find it in the Scripts section and execute it.

For additional capabilities of the Datagrok script editor, see the Working with Datagrok script editor section.

Datagrok scripting in details

Input and output parameters

Each script should specify its' input and output parameters. Datagrok automatically injects input parameters' values before the script starts and captures output parameters' values when the script finishes.

Datagrok natively supports standard scalar data types: int, double, bool, string.

For table data, Datagrok supports Dataframe as input/output parameters. You can pass to the script the whole dataframe (dataframe type), dataframe column (column), list of columns (column_list), or a binary file (file, blob).


Datagrok's dataframe converts to:

Let's modify the default example to accept and return both dataframes and scalars. We copy the original dataframe and add a new ID column to it. Also, we return the number of rows in the table.

When you run the script, you will see the following dialog:

Datagrok created the script UI, populated default values, and created popups with help text.

After running this script, Datagrok automatically opens the new dataframe. It will contain an additional column ID with the generated row ID.

Case-insensitive column names

In Datagrok, unlike Python/R dataframes, column names are case-insensitive. If you return a dataframe with columns whose names differ only by letter case, Datagrok will automatically add a number to the column header to differentiate them.

To prevent any confusion or issues with column names, we recommend using unique names that are distinct regardless of case.

Using column inputs

Datagrok provides you with data inputs to select one or multiple columns from a dataframe.

  • The column input parameter allows you to select one column from the dataframe. In the script, the column parameter is a string variable containing header name of the selected column.
  • The column_list input parameter allows you to select multiple columns from the dataframe. In the script, the column_list parameter is a list of strings containing header names of the selected columns.

Both of these selectors require at least one Dataframe input to choose a dataframe.

File input

When you use the file annotation for the input parameter, Datagrok creates an interface to load file.

You can upload the file from your computer, choose it from Datagrok file storage, or use any of the file connectors supported by Datagrok.

File I/O connectors

The blob input works in a very similar way, but provides the binary stream instead of a file name.

#name: BlobTest
#description: Example of Blob usage
#language: python
#tags: template, demo
#input: blob array_blob
#output: string typeofblob

typeofblob = type(array_blob)

You can use this capability to effectively transfer a large set of data from one Datagrok function/script to another.

File output

You can use files as input or output parameters using file and blob annotations.

The file parameter type allows you to read and write a file. Inside the Python/R script this parameter will be a string variable containing a path to the local file.

For example, let's save a dataframe to a JSON file:

When you run this script, Datagrok will return the FileInfo object in the scalar variables panel. To save the file, right-click on the highlighted file link and choose the Download option. The file name always matches the output variable name. Therefore, for scripts, there is no possibility to provide a custom name or extension to the generated file.


Some Python functions (for example, Numpy Save) automatically add an extension to the file name if it is provided without an extension. In this case, Datagrok won't be able to locate output file, and you'll see empty file in the Datagrok output.

To override this behavior, you can open the file via the Python open function, and use the file object instead of the file name.

#output: file array_file_binary
with open(array_file_binary, 'wb') as npfile:, array)

Semantic types

The Datagrok semantic types is a very powerful concept, allowing you to define the meaning of your data, For example, you can specify that a particular string contains a chemical molecule in SMILES format, E-mail, or URL address.

For example, let's explore the Gasteiger partial charges script, which takes a molecule in SMILES format as input and calculates the Gasteiger charges distribution. The script is provided with the Chem package.

The script takes as an input the string variable mol with the semantic annotation Molecule. When you run the script, you will see the following:

Datagrok recognized the Molecule semantic types and created the custom UI displaying molecule formula. Click on it to open chemical sketcher and draw your own molecule. Datagrok has outstanding chemoinformatics support, so almost all UI elements provide you special viewing and editing options for chemical structures.

You can assign a semantic type to output variables in the same way. The semantic types annotation has no benefits for simple scalar output, but it is extremely helpful when you integrate your script with the Datagrok platform.

Semantic types for columns

Similarly, you can specify the semantic type for dataframe columns. For example, let column or column_list selectors accept only columns containing chemical molecules.

#input: dataframe df {caption: Dataframe}
#input: column mol {semType:Molecule; caption: Molecules} [Molecules to analyze]

Graphics output

The script in the previous section returns the graphics object. This is a special data type to transfer graphs from scripts to Datagrok. For Python, this variable can contain any graph created by the Matplotlib library (the matplotlib.figure.Fugure class). When you run the script manually, Datagrok captures the graphics object and creates a separate tab to view the results. Datagrok can also save the graphics output in a dataframe, or display it in the cell properties.

Datagrok Viewers

Out-of-the-box Datagrok contains many flexible interactive viewers, suitable for almost all data visualization tasks.

We suggest you exploring it before implementing custom graphs.

Enhancing script input view

You may customize the script view using additional GUI-related options. Most of them are hints to improve the interface for your scripts. You should list options in curly braces in corresponding header lines. The order of the hints makes no difference. All options are optional.

Input captions and hints

You can add an arbitrary caption for an input parameter. Proper caption helps the user to understand the meaning of the parameter.

To add a hint to the input parameter, place the hint text in the square brackets after the parameter annotation.

#input: double V1 { caption: Initial volume of liquid } [Used to calculate the initial concentration and the volume change]


You can add a proper unit label for an input parameter. The unit label will appear in the input form next to the input field.

#input: double initialTemp { units: °С }

Grouping inputs

You can group script inputs into categories using the category tag. RichFunctionView renders categories as separate blocks of the input form.

Adding viewers for output dataframes

You can specify viewers to review output dataframes in a human-friendly way. Each dataframe parameter may have a list of viewers. For instance, the following code adds Scatter plot and Line chart viewers on the input dataframe.

You may see all available viewers opening demo dataframe and opening the toolbox on the left.

Fantastic viewers and where to find them

The default script view supports viewers for output dataframes only. You may specify viewers input dataframes using Rich function view

Customizing viewers

Each viewer has a list of customizable properties. They change how the viewer is rendered and how it behaves. For instance, you may specify the dataframe column used as the X-axis on the scatter plot.

The list of available properties differs for each type of viewer. You may right-click on the viewer and select Properties item in the context menu. In the viewer option, you can specify any property listed in the opened property panel. For example, the following code:

  • specifies marker type and size for linechart
  • enables regression line rendering for scatterplot

You should enter the viewer property in camelCase format. For example, here "Show regression line" property of the scatterplot becomes showRegressionLine.

The RichFunctionView control allows you to create much more complex

Working with Datagrok script editor

How to find and edit a script

To edit an existing script:

  • Find it in the Scripts section.
  • Right-click on the script card. The context menu appears.
  • Choose the Edit action. Built-in editor with script code opens.

You can use smart search to filter scripts.

How to debug a script

Datagrok has limited debugging capabilities. All scripts except Javascript are executed in isolated environments, and the only ways of communication between the script and Datagrok are console log and the script output parameters.

When you run a script, Datagrok catches all log messages and displays it in the log panel below the script. If the script throws an unhandled exception, Datagrok catches it and displays an error popup (shown on the right).

To include additional debug information in the log, run the script using Debug script button in the ribbon menu. Alternatively, run the script normally and press the Debug button on the bottom part of the input parameter window.

Script debug output

For big and complicated scripts, we recommend you develop them locally in your IDE, and then integrate them into Datagrok.

How to share a script

At that point, your script is only visible to you. You can also make it available to the whole community!

All sharing features are in the Sharing dialog.

  • To open it, find your script in Scripts section and right-click on it.
  • Choose the "Share..." option in the context menu. In the dialog, you will see groups and users with their privileges.
  • You may edit the list of collaborators and grant or revoke privileges at any moment.
Sharing step-by-step

How to delete a script

  • Find your script in Scripts section.
  • Right-click on it. The context menu opens.
  • Choose Delete option.

This action is irreversible! Your collaborators will lose access to it, and all historical runs will become inaccessible.