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Csv export options to be used in DataFrame.toCsv


columnFormats?ColumnsFormatCsvExportOptionsColumn-specific formats (column name -> format). For format examples, see [dateTimeFormatters].
columns?string[]Column order
delimiter?stringField delimiter; comma if not specified
filteredRowsOnly?booleanWhether only filtered rows are included. Will be combined with [selectedRowsOnly].
includeHeader?booleanWhether the header row containing column names is included. True if not specified.
missingValue?stringTextual representation of the missing value. Empty string if not specified.
newLine?stringNew line character; \n if not specified
qualifierAsColumn?booleanExpands qualified numbers into two columns: qual(column) and column
rowIndexes?number[]Explicitly defined order of rows. Mutually exclusive with [selectedRowsOnly] or [filteredRowsOnly].
selectedColumnsOnly?booleanWhether only selected columns are included. False if not specified.
selectedRowsOnly?booleanWhether only selected rows are included. Will be combined with [filteredRowsOnly].
visibleColumnsOnly?booleanWhether only visible columns are included. False if not specified.