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const FUNC_TYPES: object

Type declaration

APPstring'app'An application that gets shown in the app store. Signature: app()
AUTOSTARTstring'autostart'Gets invoked at platform startup. Use it wisely as the whole package will get initialized. Signature: autostart()

Creates a cell renderer that is used for rendering cells for specific semantic types.

Semantic type is derived from the cellRenderer-<semType> tag.

Signature: cellRenderer(): GridCellRenderer

CONVERTERstring'converter'Converts values. Has one input and one output

Makes a widget appear on the welcome screen

Signature: dashboard(): DG.Widget


Exports a file. Gets added to the "export" menu at startup.

Signature: fileExporter()

FILE_IMPORTERstring'file-handler'Handles custom file formats. The meta.ext parameter should contain a comma-separated list of extensions. Signature: fileImporter(x: string | TypedArray): DataFrame[]

Creates a viewer (or editor) for a file with the specified extension.

The extension is derived from the fileViewer-<extension> tag.

Used in the file system browser.

Signature: fileViewer(FileInfo): View

FUNCTION_ANALYSISstring'functionAnalysis'Function analysis. Examples: sensitivity analysis, parameter editor Func => View
INITstring'init'Gets invoked when the containing package is initialized Signature: init()

Edits package settings.

Signature: packageSettingsEditor(): Widget

PANELstring'panel'Context-specific widget that appears on the context panel Signature: panel(x: any): Widget

Semantic type detector for a column. Gets invoked when a new dataframe is imported into the platform.

Implementation should either set column.semType directly, or return the semantic type that will get assigned.

Signature: semTypeDetector(Column): string

