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Server configuration

Datagrok supports several deployment schemas which can be configured using GROK_MODE and GROK_PARAMETERS environment variables.

Datlas configuration

GROK_PARAMETERS is a JSON-formatted environment variable with the Datlas configuration options :

dbServerRequiredPostgres database server
dbPortOptional5432Postgres database server port
dbRequiredDatagrok database name
dbLoginRequiredUsername to connect to database
dbPasswordRequiredPassword to connect to database
dbSslOptionalfalseIf set to true, TLS connection will be used to connect to database
dbAdminLoginOptionalPostgres admin username to create user and database for Datagrok
dbAdminPasswordOptionalPostgres admin password to create user and database for Datagrok
googleStorageCertOptionalAccess certificate to Google Cloud Storage. If set, GCS will be used for persistent data storage
amazonStorageRegionOptionalS3 region
amazonStorageBucketOptionalS3 bucket name
amazonStorageIdOptionalS3 credential ID, Datagrok will resolve EC2 role if empty
amazonStorageKeyOptionalS3 credential secret key, Datagrok will resolve EC2 role if empty
adminPasswordOptionalDatagrok admin user password which will be created on first start
debugOptionalfalseExtended logging and saving stack traces
useSSLOptionalfalseIf set to true, Datlas serves TLS connections
certPathOptionalPath to the TLS certificate
certKeyPathOptionalPath to the TLS certificate key
certKeyPwdOptionalPassword to the TLS certificate key

Datlas startup mode

GROK_MODE possible values:

  • start - starts the application without database and storage deployment
  • deploy - Datlas will perform the full deploy
  • auto - Datlas will check the existing database and storage and perform deployment only if needed