Grok script
Grok script language is used to control or automate everything within the Datagrok platform. Use it to transform data, automate workflows, run queries, evaluate numerical expressions, execute commands, record macros, perform statistical computations, execute R scripts.
Recording macros
- Open console (Tools | Console)
- Do the work that needs to be automated. Corresponding commands will appear in the console
- Select corresponding commands in the console, and copy to clipboard
Executing scripts
Type a command into the console and press Enter.
Open Help | Functions to see a list of available functions.
Grok script supports all common features and operators, such as:
Assigning a variable:
x = 5
Math operators
Supported operators: +, -, *, /, ^ (power), % (modulus)
a = (2 + 2) * 2^2
Text operators
s = "Data" + "Grok"
Logical operators
a = 2==2 || 2!=2
Lists and maps
a = [1, 2, 3, {"a" : 1, "b" : 2}]
p = Project() = "test"
x =
System variables and constants
x = PI
y = E
currentTable = t
currentView = v
Methods and extensions
You can invoke any action by name, or, action can be called as method of variable with same type of first action parameter:
"test string".length()
length("test string")
KeepRows(t, Selected())
Table and column names convention
Symbols '"', ' and ' should be replaced as '^^', '<[' and ']>'.
You can run any system action by calling it from the Console
Try it
Open Console by pressing ~ (tilde) or Tools | Console. and try to make some actions: run query or job. Every step you take will be recorded, so you can re-run it, or use somewhere.
See also: