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The deployment consists of a few docker containers, database for storing metadata, and persistent file storage for storing files

Like a regular machine, any bare-metal server or virtual machine, including virtual machines in cloud providers, for example, AWS EC2, can be used.

As database Datagrok supports any PostgreSQL database out-of-the-box, including cloud solutions for PostgreSQL database, for example AWS RDS.

For persistent file storage, Datagrok supports a lot of options, including cloud solutions, for example AWS S3 and Local File System storage.

To deploy Datagrok on an AWS EC2 instance with RDS as a database and S3 as a storage use deployment process for regular machine with different datagrok configuration:

  1. Replace GROK_PARAMETERS in deployment process for regular machine. amazonStorageId and amazonStorageKey can be omitted if you attach the IAM role to EC2 instances.
"amazonStorageRegion": "<S3_BUCKET_REGION>",
"amazonStorageBucket": "<S3_BUCKET_NAME>",
"amazonStorageId": "<S3_BUCKET_CREDS_ACCOUNT_ID>",
"amazonStorageKey": "<S3_BUCKET_CREDS_SECRET_KEY>",
"dbServer": "<RDS_ENDPOINT>",
"db": "datagrok",
"dbLogin": "datagrok",
"dbPassword": "SoMeVeryCoMpLeXpAsSwOrD",
"dbAdminLogin": "postgres",
"dbAdminPassword": "postgres"