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Query debugging

To debug and troubleshoot the database queries, use the built-in tool that allows you to see the following information about the query:

  • Column/Rows - the number of columns and rows in the requested table
  • Query - the resulting query string with substituted parameters
  • Params array - the array of query parameters
  • Column - the information about column name, type, type name, precision, and scale
  • Java type - the type which is used in the Java for this column
  • Execution time by steps - the time benchmark for each computational step
  • Execution time - the time benchmark for the all computational steps
  • Memory - the used and free JVM memory

You can find this information by doing the following:

  • Open the Datagrok inspector by pressing Alt+I (or Tools | Dev | Inspector)
  • Enable 'Debug Queries' on the 'Debug' pane. You might close the inspector now.
  • Execute the query you want to profile
  • Open your requested table in the context panel by clicking on the table header
  • Click the 'DataQuery' in the context panel
  • Click the 'Last call'
  • Expand the 'Log' menu item