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In addition to being a general-purpose extensible platform for scientific computing, Datagrok provides multiple options for developing cheminformatics solutions on top of it. Depending on your needs, use one or more of the following ones, or come up with your own solution.

  • For Typical tasks such as calculating descriptors, substructure or similarity search, finding MCS or performing an R-group analysis, consider using the Datagrok JS API.
  • For custom client-side computations, consider using either OpenChemLib.JS, or RDKit built for WebAssembly.
  • For custom server-side computations, a popular option is using RDKit in Python. Python scripts can be seamlessly embedded into Datagrok via Scripting.

Datagrok JS API

We expose some commonly used functions via JS API. To invoke the methods, use grok.chem. Most of the methods are asynchronous. Behind the scenes they either use a server-side assist, or a browser's separate Web Worker to call RDKit JS functions.

searchSubstructure(column, pattern, settings = { substructLibrary: true });
getSimilarities(column, molecule, settings = { /* reserved */ })
findSimilar(column, molecule, settings = { limit: ..., cutoff: ... })
diversitySearch(column, metric = METRIC_TANIMOTO, limit = 10);
rGroup(table, column, core);
descriptors(table, column, descriptors);

searchSubstructure, getSimilarities and findSimilar are client-based functions and use RDKit JS. We plan to support both server-side and browser-side modes. The API remains the same.

searchSubstructure(column, pattern = null, settings = { substructLibrary: true })

This function performs substructure search using RDKit JS. It returns a BitSet. If the i-th element in the input column has the pattern's substructure, the i-th bit is set to 1; otherwise, it is set to 0.

column stands for column that contains molecules in any notation supported by RDKit JS: smiles, cxsmiles, molblock, v3Kmolblock, and inchi. Same applies to a pattern: this is a string representation of a molecule in any of the previous notations.

The settings object allows passing the following parameters:

  • molBlockFailover: smarts which used as a substructure if pattern is invalid

To optimize the substructure search we uses a cache of pre-computed Pattern fingerprints and specific RDKit Mol objects. Fingerprints are used for preliminary filtration while Mol objects are used for graph-based search method get_substruct_match. Fingerprints are calculated for each molecule in column and Mol objects are created only for defined number of first molecules. It allows to decrease memory consumption and speed up the search. When the substructure search function encounters a new column, it creates a cache of fingerprints and Mol objects for the molecules in it. Substructure search uses this cache when the function is called for the same column.

Molecule strings may be invalid or not supported by RDKit JS. During indexing we skip these inputs. The corresponding bit in the bitset remains 0.. Thus, the bitset is always of the input column's length.

Similarity scoring

Similarity scoring functions use Morgan fingerprints and Tanimoto similarity (also known as Jaccard similarity) to rank molecules from a column by their similarity to a given molecule.

Identically to the convention of searchSubstructure, a column is a column of type String containing molecules, each in any notation RDKit JS supports: smiles, cxsmiles, molblock, v3Kmolblock, and inchi. Same applies to a molecule: this is a string representation of a molecule in any of the previous notations.

Find most similar molecules sorted by similarity

findSimilar(column, molecule, settings = { limit: ..., cutoff: ... })

The default settings are { limit: Number.MAX_VALUE, cutoff: 0.0 }, thus the function ranks and sorts all molecules by similarity.

Produces a Datagrok DataFrame of three columns (code sample):

  • molecule column contains the original molecules from the input column.
  • score column contains the corresponding similarity scores of the range from 0.0 to 1.0. The DataFrame is sorted descending by this column.
  • index column contains indices of the molecules in the original input column.

Scoring each molecule against a given molecule

getSimilarities(column, molecule = null, settings = { sorted: false });

Produces a Datagrok DataFrame with a single Column, where the i-th element contains a similarity score for the i-th element of the input Column (code sample).

Similarly to the searchSubstructure function, these functions maintain a cache of pre-computed fingerprints. If findSimilar or getSimilarities function encounters a new column, it creates a cache of fingerprints for the molecules in it. And uses this cache to compute similarity scores for the same column.

To only build (aka prime) this cache without performing an actual search, e.g. in case of pre-computing the fingerprints in the UI, call the function passing molecule as an empty string ''.

If molecules are not supported by RDKit JS, we skip them during indexing. Null is returned instead of a fingerprint. Thus, the output Column (or DataFrame) is always of the input column's length.

Examples (see on GitHub)

Molecule rendering

SVG rendering with OpenChemLib

To render a molecule into a div as an SVG, use grok.chem.svgMol. This method uses OpenChemLib library.

.add(grok.chem.svgMol('O=C1CN=C(C2CCCCC2)C2:C:C:C:C:C:2N1', 300, 200))

Rendering to canvas with RdKit and scaffolds

To render a molecule, aligned to bonds, use grok.chem.canvasMol. This method uses RDKit library. To highlight a scaffold specify it as SMARTS. You can specify the molecule string in any format supported by RdKit. Here is a complete example:

let root = ui.div();
let canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 300; canvas.height = 200;
await grok.chem.canvasMol(
0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, canvas,

The method is currently asynchronous due to technical limitations. It will be made synchronous in the future.

Run the above examples live here:


OpenChemLib.JS is a JavaScript port of the OpenChemLib Java library. Datagrok currently uses it for some of the cheminformatics-related routines that we run in the browser, such as rendering of the molecules.

Here is an example of manipulating atoms in a molecule using openchemlib.js.

Rdkit in python

RDKit in Python are Python wrappers for RDKit, one of the best open-source toolkits for cheminformatics. While Python scripts get executed on a server, they can be seamlessly embedded into Datagrok via Scripting.

Here are some RDKit in Python-based cheminformatics-related scripts in the public repository.

Rdkit in WebAssembly

Recently, Greg Landrum, the author of RDKit, has introduced a way to compile its C++ code to WebAssembly , thus allowing to combine the performance and efficiency of the carefully crafted C++ codebase with the ability to run it in the browser. This approach fits perfectly with Datagrok's philosophy of performing as much computations on the client as possible, so naturally we've jumped on that opportunity!

See also: