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Building help locally

Install Docusaurus and linting tools

Docusaurus is an optimized site generator. Docusaurus is a project for building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites.

1. Install the latest stable NodeJS

Use instructions from the official Node JS installation page. After installation, check that the npm version is at least v9.x.x:

npm --version

To check for incorrect hyperlinks, we use the hyperlink checker:

npm install --global @untitaker/hyperlink

To lint and flag style issues in markdown files we use markdownlint.

  1. Install markdownlint-cli2

    npm install --global markdownlint-cli2
  2. Install Markdownlint VSCode plugin

  3. Configure autofix for issues

  4. Show markdownlint warnings using the shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+M/⇧⌘M

3. Prepare Datagrok repository and Docusaurus

The source code and READMEs are located in our public repository on GitHub. This section helps you to set up this repository and install all required packages.

  1. Install commit linting tools as described in the Git policy

  2. Open the Docusaurus folder in the Datagrok public repository:

    cd public/docusaurus
  3. Install package dependencies:

    npm install
  4. As we use Docusaurus to generate the API documentation, you need to repeat the npm installation steps in the js-api folder:

cd ../js-api
npm install

Make changes

1. Create the branch

Create the branch for your changes following the General flow from the Git policy.

2. Run Docusaurus locally

cd ../docusaurus
npm run start-debug

Docusaurus will be available at http://localhost:3000.

3. Make changes

Now, you can proceed with the documentation editing. Docusaurus will recompile the documentation on every change you make, so you will instantly see all the improvements you have made to the documentation. If you don't see your changes immediately, reload the page.

4. Lint your changes

Before making a commit, check that the documentation builds without errors.

  1. Run the markdown linter for all changed files from your IDE or via the command line:

  2. To test internal links and anchors, convert markdown to HTML using Docusaurus and then check all links using hyperlink. Stop Docusaurus by pressing Ctrl+C and run the following commands to build and check your documentation. Note that the build step will take some time.

cd docusaurus
npm run build

hyperlink --check-anchors build/ --sources ../help/

5. Commit and push your changes

Make and push a commit, following the Commit message policy to choose the correct commit naming.

Finally, create a pull request to merge your changes to the master branch.

GitHub Actions Docusaurus workflow

GitHub Actions Docusaurus workflow includes:

  • Lint checks using markdownlint linter.
  • If the checks are finished successfully, GitHub will convert the markdown files to HTML using Docusaurus
    • The result HTML help pages are also available as GitHub Actions artifact: docusaurus
  • Then Hyperlink checks the result HTML files.
  • If the checks are finished successfully, and the changes are in the master branch, GitHub Actions will deploy the documentation to the server.
    • 'Deploy to server' step contains detailed information about changes that are made on the server.
  • Finally, GitHub Actions performs Typesense DocSearch Scrape to update indexes for search in the wiki

If any error occurs during checks, the deployment to the server will be canceled. Check for errors in the GitHub Actions log or in GitHub Actions run summary.

More information about flow can be found on the Docusaurus Help tab in public repository CI/CD flows.

Trigger GitHub Actions manually

If an error occurs for the action triggered by the commit, it is possible to trigger the action manually.

  1. Use Docusaurus workflow.
  2. Press run workflow. Choose the target branch. Then Run workflow. Note that deployment to the server is executed for the master branch only.
  3. Check that the GitHub Actions workflow finished successfully.