We are using a number of great open-source projects in our platform. Here they are, in no particular order:
Data science
- OpenCPU - integration with R
- Jupyter - R, Python, Julia scripting, and notebooks
- caret - predictive modeling engine
- scikit-learn - predictive modeling engine
- H2O - predictive modeling engine
- RDKit - server-side and client-side cheminformatics
- OpenChemLib JS - client-side cheminformatics
- NGL Viewer - web-based molecular graphics
- Deepchem - deep learning for drug discovery
- MoleculeNet - a benchmark for molecular machine learning
- PetitParser - grammar parsing
- vector_math - vector math library
- edit_distance - edit distance algorithms for fuzzy matching
- source_gen - automatic source code generation
- PostgreSQL - database
- Dart PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL driver
- Shelf - web server
- Dock Spawn - window docking
- Archive - compression
- Markdown - Markdown rendering
- Image - image processing
- three.js - WebGL-powered 3D graphics
- Font Awesome - icons
- Crypto - cryptographic functions
- CodeMirror - text editor
- xmlstream - SAX parser for XML