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Property prediction plays a key role in drug discovery and materials science, helping researchers estimate characteristics like toxicity, bioactivity, and solubility.

We have now integrated Chemprop, a PyTorch-based framework, into our platform, enabling easy access with just a few clicks.

Model parameters

dataset_typeType of dataset (e.g., classification or regression). Determines the training loss function.Regression
metricEvaluation metric. Does not impact training loss. Defaults to "AUC" for classification, "RMSE" for regression.None
multiclass_num_classesNumber of classes when running multiclass classification.3
num_foldsNumber of folds when performing cross validation.1
data_seedSeed for data splitting. For multiple folds, increments by 1 for each fold.0
split_sizesProportions for train/validation/test splits.0.8, 0.1, 0.1
split_typeData splitting method (e.g., random, cross-validation).Random
activationActivation function used in the model (e.g., ReLU, tanh).ReLU
atom_messagesUses messages on atoms rather than bonds.False
message_biasAdds bias to linear layers.False
ensemble_sizeNumber of models in the ensemble.1
message_hidden_dimHidden layer dimensionality in the message-passing network.300
depthNumber of message-passing steps.3
dropoutDropout probability for training.0.0
undirectedSums bond vectors to treat edges as undirected.False
ffn_hidden_dimHidden dimension size for the feed-forward network.300
ffn_num_layersNumber of layers in the feed-forward network after message-passing encoding.2
epochsTotal number of training epochs.50
batch_sizeBatch size for training.64
warmup_epochsLinear increase of learning rate from initial to max, then exponential decay to final.2.0
init_lrStarting learning rate for training.0.0001
max_lrPeak learning rate for training.0.001
final_lrEnding learning rate after decay.0.0001
no_descriptor_scalingDisables feature scaling for descriptors.False


To train a model with Chemprop:

  1. Prepare dataset
    • Ensure it includes a column with SMILES or molblocks.
  2. Set up the model
    • Go to ML > Models > Train Model….
    • Select dataset, specify the target column (values to predict), and the feature column (SMILES or molblocks).
  3. Choose Chemprop as the model engine
    • From available engines, select Chemprop.
  4. Adjust model settings
    • Configure training parameters (epochs, batch size, learning rate) and evaluation metrics as needed.
  5. Train model
    • Click Train to start the training process and generate the model.

Chemprop train


Once training is complete, follow these steps to apply a trained model for predictions:

  1. Select the dataset
    • Choose the table containing the features for prediction.
  2. Apply the model
    • Go to ML > Models > Apply Model.
    • Select the trained model you wish to use from the available options.
  3. Generate predictions
    • Click Apply Model to make predictions on the selected dataset.

Chemprop predict