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1.20 (2024-07-23)

Caching for file shares

We've introduced caching for file shares (including S3, Azure, and local storage):

  • Faster file retrieval and display in Browse
  • Entirely browser-based cache, eliminating server requests
  • Configurable caching for individual files and file shares
  • Automatic cache invalidation when files are modified within the platform

Learn more.

Machine Learning

We continue to improve ML capabilities within the platform:

Improved in-platform model training:

  • Automatic input substitution for models
  • Interactive hyperparameter tuning
  • New interactive visualization widgets for model performance evaluation

MLflow integration (learn more):

  • Import and apply MLflow predictive models directly to Datagrok datasets
  • Streamlined model management:
    • Automatic MLflow model fetching
    • Input annotation via MLflow tags
  • MLflow models inference support
