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Most of the objects in Datagrok can be annotated with metadata (key-value pairs). The metadata could be set manually; additionally, some of it gets assigned automatically. Some keys affect the way an object (such as a column) interacts with the platform; other have no effect at all, except that you can search objects by metadata.

Below are some of the standard tags related to tables or columns. To edit column's metadata, right-click on it and select "Properties..." (or press F2 in the grid).


Applicable to columns. Determines column's semantic type; used for making automatic suggestions on functions, layouts, and predictive models applicable to the current context. Also, see units.


Applicable to columns. Determines units in which the values are stored. Also, see quality.


Applicable to numeric or datetime columns. Determines the way values should be represented.


In addition to the standard notation (example: "#.000"), the following formats are predefined and could be used (they also appear as choices when you right-click on a column and open "Format" section):

two digits after comma70.50
four digits after comma70.5000
max two digits after comma70.5
compact long70.5
compact simple currency$70.50
thousand separator71
full precision70.5


The standard formats representing date and time include:

MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff07/21/1991 00:00:00.000
M/d/yyyy h:mm tt7/21/1991 12:00 AM
M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt7/21/1991 12:00:00 AM
dddd, MMMM d, yyyySunday, July 21, 1991
MMM d, yyyyJul 21, 1991
relative29 years ago
autoJul 21, 1991

In case you need to define a different date format, proceed to column properties and edit the template string. Here are the valid specifiers:

yyYear without the century00, 01, ..., 20, ..., 99
yyyyYear with the century0001, ..., 2020, ..., 9999
MMonth1, 2, 3, ..., 12
MMZero-padded month01, 02, 03, ..., 12
MMMAbbreviated month nameJan, Feb, Mar, ..., Dec
MMMMFull month nameJanuary, ..., December
dDay of the month1, 2, 3, ..., 31
ddZero-padded day01, 02, 03, ..., 31
dddAbbreviated weekday nameMon, ..., Fri, Sat, Sun
ddddFull weekday nameMonday, ..., Sunday
hHour (12-hour clock)1, 2, 3, ..., 12
hhZero-padded hour (12-hour clock)01, 02, 03, ..., 12
HHour (24-hour clock)0, 1, 2, ..., 23
HHZero-padded hour (24-hour clock)00, 01, 02, ..., 23
mMinute0, 1, 2, ..., 59
mmZero-padded minute00, 01, 02, ..., 59
sSecond0, 1, 2, ..., 59
ssZero-padded second00, 01, 02, ..., 59
fSecond fraction (1 digit)0, 1, ..., 9
ffSecond fraction (2 digits)00, 01, ..., 99
fffSecond fraction (3 digits)000, 001, ..., 999
tt12-hour periodsAM, PM


Indicates on what basis the columns are colored. Numerical columns have the options Off, Linear, and Conditional, while categorical columns are limited to Off and Categorical.


Applies conditional formatting to numeric and categorical columns. See an example.


Formula used for creating a derived column. Edit it in the "Formula" section on the context panel to recalculate. Note that changing the formula tag does not cause recalculation.


Applicable to columns. Used for matching layout columns with table columns when a layout is applied. See layout suggestions for details.


Applicable to tables. Contains comma-separated list of column names to be used as a row tooltip. This tag starts with " .", therefore it is not shown in the UI.

JSON-serialized settings of the viewer that is used to visualize a group of rows on a tooltip. It is shown when user moves the cursor over the area that represents multiple rows (such a a histogram bin, or a pie chart pie). Applicable to tables.


Indicates number of milliseconds spent for detecting column's semantic type. This tag starts with " .", therefore it is not shown in the UI. Applicable to columns.


JSON-encoded list of strings used by the grid cell editor to populate a combo box. See also auto-choices. Applicable to string columns.


When set to 'true', switches the cell editor to a combo box that only allows to choose values from a list of already existing values in the column. See also choices. Applicable for string columns.


Column cell renderer.


A query that was used to produce this table. Applicable to tables.


When was the table created. Applicable to tables.


Applicable to columns. A database the content of this column was retrieved from. Used for data augmentation and impact analysis. See also db-schema, db-table , db-column, db-path.


Applicable to columns. A database schema the content of this column was retrieved from. Used for data augmentation and impact analysis. See also db, db-table , db-column, db-path.


Applicable to columns. A database table the content of this column was retrieved from. Used for data augmentation and impact analysis. See also db, db-schema , db-column, db-path.


Applicable to columns. A database column the content of this column was retrieved from. Used for data augmentation and impact analysis. See also db, db-schema , db-table, db-path.


Applicable to columns. A database column, in the form on "db.schema.table.column", that the content of this column was retrieved from. Used for data augmentation and impact analysis. See also db, db-schema , db-table, db-column.


Entity id, as it is stored in the database. Applicable to tables, columns, and other entities.


ID of the data connection that was used to populate the table. Applicable to tables.


History of all modifications applied to that table. Applies to tables.


Grok script that was used to create a table. It could represent getting a data via a database query, from a web service, from a file share, or using any other function that returns a table.

If this tag is present in a table, a "data sync" option appears next to this table in the "Upload table" dialog. If the option is checked, the table will not be uploaded to the server. Instead, the script will get re-executed when user opens this project next time.

Applies to tables.


A molecular descriptor used for calculating the values of that column.


A molecular fingerprinter used for calculating the values of that column.

See also: