The use of constants optimizes the readability, speed, and accuracy of calculations. You can use these constants in any mathematical expressions and functions simply by specifying the name of the constant like this:
1.57 * ${WEIGHT} / ${HEIGHT} - ln(${IC50} * LN10)
Common Constants:
Name | Description | Value |
E | Euler's number | 2.718281828459045 |
LN2 | Natural logarithm of 2 | 0.6931471805599453 |
LN10 | Natural logarithm of 10 | 2.302585092994046 |
LOG2E | Base-2 logarithm of E | 1.4426950408889634 |
LOG10E | Base-10 logarithm of E | 0.4342944819032518 |
PI | Pi | 3.1415926535897932 |
SQRT1_2 | Square root of 1/2 | 0.7071067811865476 |
SQRT2 | Square root of 2 | 1.4142135623730951 |
Other Mathematical Constants:
Name | Description | Value |
APERY | Apéry's constant | 1.202056903159594 |
BACKH | Backhouse's constant | 1.456074948582689 |
BERN | Bernstein's constant | 0.280169499023869 |
CATALAN | Catalan's constant | 0.915965594177219 |
CONWAY | Conway's constant | 1.303577269034296 |
EUMA | Euler–Mascheroni constant | 0.577215664901532 |
ERDBOR | Erdős–Borwein constant | 1.606695152415291 |
FEIG1 | Feigenbaum constant 1 | 4.669201609102990 |
FEIG2 | Feigenbaum constant 2 | 2.502907875095892 |
FHL | First Hardy–Littlewood conjecture | 0.660161815846869 |
FROB | Fransén–Robinson constant | 2.807770242028519 |
GAKUWI | Gauss–Kuzmin–Wirsing operator | 0.303663002898732 |
GODI | Golomb–Dickman constant | 0.624329988543550 |
GRATIO | Golden ratio | 1.6180339887498948 |
HASAMC | Hafner–Sarnak–McCurley constant | 0.353236371854995 |
KHIN | Khinchin's constant | 2.685452001065306 |
LANRAM | Landau–Ramanujan constant | 0.764223653589220 |
LEVY | Lévy's constant | 3.275822918721811 |
MEME | Meissel–Mertens constant | 0.261497212847642 |
MILLS | Mills' constant | 1.306377883863080 |
NIVEN | Niven's constant | 1.705211140105367 |
OMEGA | Omega constant | 0.567143290409783 |
PLASTIC | Plastic constant | 1.324717957244746 |
RAMSOL | Ramanujan–Soldner constant | 1.451369234883381 |
RECFIB | Reciprocal Fibonacci constant | 3.359885666243177 |
SIERP | Sierpiński's constant | 2.584981759579253 |
SQRT3 | Square root of 3 | 1.732050807568877 |
SQRT5 | Square root of 5 | 2.236067977499789 |
UNIPAR | Universal parabolic constant | 2.295587149392638 |
Chemical and Physical Constants:
Name | Description | Value |
AVOGADRO | Avogadro's Number | 6.02214e+23 |
FARADAY | Faraday Constant | 96485.33 (C·mol-1) |
ATOM | Atomic Mass Constant | 1.66053906660e-27 (kg) |
GAS | Molar Gas Constant | 8.31446261815324 (m3⋅Pa⋅K−1⋅mol−1) |
COULOMB | Coulomb constant | 8.9875517923e+9 (N·m2/C2) |
MAXSPEED | Speed of Light (Vacuum) | 299792458 (m/s) |
BOLTZ | Boltzmann constant | 1.380649e-23 (J⋅K−1) |
ECHARGE | Elementary charge | 1.602176634e-19 (C) |
GRAVITY | Standard gravity | 9.80665 (m/s2) |
PLANCK | Planck constant | 6.62607004e-34 (J⋅Hz−1) |
EMASS | Mass of electron | 9.1093837015e-31 (kg) |
NMASS | Mass of neutron | 1.67492749804e-27 (kg) |
PMASS | Mass of proton | 1.67262192369e-27 (kg) |