Math functions
This type of function includes math, trigonometric, and logic functions.
As parameters of the function, you can pass numeric scalars, numeric functions, math constants, boolean
scalars, boolean functions, or a column name. To pass a column cell, you can use the syntax ${columnName}
. Other ways
to use parameters: true
, false
, PI
, E
By default, real numbers in a column show only 2 digits after the integer part. You can change this behavior by setting the appropriate format for displaying the data in the column. To do this, click on the column heading and in the opened context menu select "Format" option.
Function List:
- Abs
- Acos
- Add
- And
- Asin
- Atan
- Atan2
- Avg
- Ceil
- Cos
- Div
- Eq
- Exp
- Fixed
- Floor
- FormatFloat
- Greater
- If
- Ln
- Log
- Log10
- Max
- Median
- Min
- Mod
- Mul
- Neg
- Not
- NotEq
- NotGreater
- NotSmaller
- Or
- Percentile
- Pow
- Qualifier
- RandBetween
- Rnd
- Round
- RoundFloat
- Sin
- Smaller
- Sqrt
- Sub
- Tan
- Xor
Returns the absolute value of a number [x].
Abs(-10) // 10
Returns the arccosine of a number [x] as an angle expressed in radians in the interval 0..PI. x
must be in the interval -1..1.
Acos(0.5) // 1.047197580337524
, y
Returns the sum of two numbers x
and y
Add(24.06, 100) // 124.06
, b
Returns logical conjunction of boolean a
and b
And(true, false) // false
And(5 == 5, 10 < 20) // true
Returns the arcsine of a number x
as an angle expressed in radians in the interval -PI/2..PI/2. x
must be in the
interval -1..1.
Asin(0.5) // 0.479425549507141
Returns the arc tangent of a number x
as an angle expressed in radians in the interval -PI/2..PI/2.
Atan(1) // 0.785398185253143
, y
Returns the angle in radians between the positive X-axis and the vector (y
). The result is in the range -PI..PI.
If y
is positive, this is the same as Atan(x / y)
The result is negative when x
is negative (including when x
is -0.0). If x
is equal to zero, the vector (y
is considered parallel to the X-axis, even if y
is also equal to zero. The sign of y
determines the direction of the
vector along the X-axis.
Atan2(0, -0) // 3.141592741012573
, x2
, x3
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers. Arguments are a set of numbers enclosed in square brackets.
Avg([-1, 3.5, 6.5]) // 3
Avg([1, 2, 3, 4]) // 2.5
Returns the least integer no smaller than x
Ceil(3.5) // 4
Ceil(-3.5) // -3
Returns the cosine of a number [x].
Cos(0) // 1
Cos(PI / 3) // 0.5
, y
Returns the result of dividing x
by y
Div(7.5, 2) // 3.75
, y
Returns true if x
equal to y
and false otherwise.
Eq(5, 5) // true
Eq(true, false) // false
Returns the natural exponent (E) to the power x
Exp(2) // 7.389056205749512
, decimalPlaces
Returns the rounded number x
to the specified number of decimalPlaces
Fixed(3.5, 2) // 3.50
Fixed(-3.5, 0) // -4
Returns the greatest integer no greater than x
Floor(3.5) // 3
Floor(-3.5) // -4
, format
Returns the number x
formatted according to the specified format.
FormatFloat(12345.12345, 'scientific') // 1.23E4
FormatFloat(12345.12345, '#0.00') // 12345.12
, y
Returns true if x
is greater than y
and false otherwise.
Greater(5, 5) // false
Greater(5, 4) // true
, ifTrue
, ifFalse
Returns ifTrue
, if condition
is true, or ifFalse
If(true, "a", "b") // "a"
If(false, "a", "b") // "b"
If(true, If(true, "a", "b"), "c") // "a"
If(Eq(10, 50), 1, 0) // 0
Returns the natural logarithm of x
Ln(1) // 0
Ln(E) // 1
, base
Returns the logarithm of x
expressed in the base specified by base
Log(25, 5) // 2
Returns the 10-based logarithm of x
Log10(100) // 2
, x2
, x3
Returns the maximum value from the specified array of numbers.
Max([15, 21]) // 21
, x2
, x3
Calculates the median of the numbers. Arguments are a set of numbers enclosed in square brackets.
Median([0, 2, 5]) // 2
Median([0, 2, 5, 9]) // 2.5
, x2
, x3
Returns the minimum value from the specified array of numbers.
Min([15, 21]) // 15
, y
Returns the remainder of dividing x
by y
Mod(8, 3) // 2
, y
Returns the product of x
and y
Mul(10, 1.5) // 15
Returns x
with opposite sign.
Neg(-5) // 5
Neg(12) // -12
Returns logical negation of the a
Not(true) // false
Not(5 < 1) // true
, y
Returns false if x
equal to y
and true otherwise.
NotEq(5, 5) // false
NotEq(true, false) // true
, y
Returns true if x
is less than or equal to y
and false otherwise.
NotGreater(5, 5) // true
NotGreater(6, 5) // false
, y
Returns true if x
is greater than or equal to y
and false otherwise.
NotSmaller(5, 5) // true
NotSmaller(5, 6) // false
, b
Returns logical disjunction of boolean a
and b
Or(true, false) // true
Or(5 == 6, 20 < 10) // false
, percentage
Returns a value from nums
below which a given percentage
of values fall. percentage
is in the range 0..1
Percentile(([1, 2, 3, 4], 0.25)) // 2
Percentile(([1, 2, 3, 4], 0.75)) // 4
, exponent
Returns x
to the power of exponent
Pow(2, 3) // 8
Pow(2, -2) // 0.25
Extracts the qualifier from a qualified number x
Qualifier(Qnum(1.5, "=")) // =
Qualifier(Qnum(1.5, "<")) // <
Qualifier(Qnum(1.5, ">")) // >
, n
Returns a random integer number within the range from m
, inclusive, to n
, exclusive.
RandBetween(5, 7) // Randomly returns 5 or 6
Returns a random integer number within the range from 0, inclusive, to n
, exclusive. The absolute value is taken if
the number is negative.
Rnd(2) // Randomly returns 0 or 1
Returns the integer closest to x
. Function rounds away from zero when there is no closest integer.
Round(3.4) // 3
Round(3.5) // 4
Round(-3.5) // -4
, decimalPlaces
Returns the number rounded up x
to the number of decimal places specified by decimalPlaces
can be negative to round to even 10s, 100s, etc.
RoundFloat(PI, 2) // 3.14
RoundFloat(25, -1) // 30
Returns the sine of the x
Sin(0) // 0
Sin(PI / 6) // 0.5
, y
Returns true if x
is less than y
and false otherwise.
Smaller(5, 5) // false
Smaller(5, 6) // true
Returns the square root of the x
Sqrt(6.25) // 2.5
, y
Returns the difference between x
and y
Sub(10, 3) // 7
Returns the tangent of the x
Tan(0) // 0
Tan(PI / 6) // 0.5
, b
Returns logical exclusive disjunction of boolean a
and b
Xor(true, false) // true
Xor(5 == 5, 10 < 20) // false