Binning functions
Binning is a way to group a number of more or less continuous values into a smaller number of "bins" . For example, if you have data about a group of people, you might want to arrange their ages into a smaller number of age intervals.
Function List:
, levels
, levelIndex
Groups the values into bins based on a datetime hierarchy.
is the DateTime value to bin. levels
(string) is the definition of the levels in the DateTime hierarchy. The
hierarchy levels should be written in the form of a string containing the desired date parts, separated by dots, for
example "". levelIndex
(int) is the pruning level which specifies the level of the hierarchy to
display. levelIndex
numbering starts at 0.
Valid arguments for levels
are combinations of:
- "yy" - The year.
- "qq" - The quarter.
- "mm" - The month.
- "dy" - The day of year.
- "dd" - The day.
- "wk" - The week.
- "dw" - The weekday.
- "hh" - The hour.
- "mi" - The minute.
- "ss" - The second.
- "ms" - The millisecond.
BinByDateTime(${Age}, "", 2)
BinByDateTime(Date(1970, 11, 17), "", 0) // 4
, limits
Groups the values in the column by defined limits for the bins. x
is the checked value to bin and the following
arguments are the limits
for the bins. limits
here is a list of numbers.
BinBySpecificLimits(${Age}, [18, 30, 45, 60, 75])
BinBySpecificLimits(20, [18, 30, 45]) // "18 < x <= 30"