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All operators have analogs among functions. In each case you can use the most appropriate option.

Template of using binary operators: <Operand A> <operator> <Operand B>

Template of using unary operators: <operator> <Operand B>

As operands of the operators, you can pass numeric scalars, numeric functions, math constants, boolean scalars, boolean functions, or a column name. To pass a column cell, you can use the syntax ${columnName}. Other ways to use operands: true , false, PI, E etc.

Operators and functions can organize expressions as complex as you like. You can also use parentheses to change the standard sequence for evaluating operators. For example:

Sin(PI / 6) * (17 - ${LENGTH}) < 9    // The result is a boolean value

Operator List:

Here A is the left operand of the operator and the B is the right operand.

OperatorDescriptionSimilar Function
/The result of dividing A by BDiv(A, B)
*The product of A and BMul(A, B)
%The remainder of dividing A by BMod(A, B)
^Returns A to the power of BPow(A, B)
+The sum of two numbers A and BAdd(A, B)
-The difference between A and BSub(A, B)
==True if A equal to B and false otherwiseEq(A, B)
!=False if A equal to B and true otherwiseNotEq(A, B)
>True if A is greater than B and false otherwiseGreater(A, B)
<True if A is less than B and false otherwiseSmaller(A, B)
>=True if A is greater than or equal to B and false otherwiseNotSmaller(A, B)
\<=True if A is less than or equal to B and false otherwiseNotGreater(A, B)
andLogical conjunction of boolean A and BAnd(A, B)
&&Logical conjunction of boolean A and BAnd(A, B)
orLogical disjunction of boolean A and BOr(A, B)
xorLogical exclusive disjunction of boolean A and BXor(A, B)
notLogical negation of the BNot(B)
!Logical negation of the BNot(B)
inIn operator, A in [A,B] returns trueIn(A, B)