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Projects act like folders that contain various entities, such as tables, queries, or scripts. For example, dashboards are projects that have two types of entities: tables and layouts.

Projects are essential for organizing, managing, and sharing data.

Project hierarchy

In Datagrok, there are two types of projects:

  • Root projects: Act as the primary namespace and can include child projects.
  • Child projects: Exist under root projects and are prefixed with the name of the root project they belong to. For example, the name Demo:CoffeeCompany indicates that CoffeeCompany is a child project under the root project Demo. Child projects inherit privileges from the root project.

Datagrok automatically creates root projects for plugins and users:

  • Plugins: Each plugin version is a child project under the corresponding root project.
  • Users: Unless you choose an existing project, any entity you create is saved to your personal root project, accessible under My stuff in the Browse view (e.g., jdoe:MyNewDashboard or jdoe:MyNewQuery).

Creating and managing projects

Browse organizes projects in a tree that governs their hierarchy. You can create your own hierarchy under Namespaces:

  • Root projects: Right-click Namespaces, select Create Namespace..., and name your project in the dialog that opens.
  • Child projects: right-click an existing project, select Create Child Namespace..., and name your project in the dialog that opens.

You can create as many root and child projects as you like.

You can change the project's type in the Context Panel under Namespaces. Changing a project from child to root moves it to the top level of the Namespaces directory and updates the names of all entities in it.

To perform an action on a project, find it in the Browse tree and right-click it. This opens the context menu with commands like share, delete, rename, and so on.

Saving entities to projects

When you save an entity, you always save it to a project. All newly created entities are saved to your personal root project, visible under My stuff on the Browse tree.

If you modify an existing entity project (such as changing its layout), you have these options:

  1. Save changes to the original project.
  2. Create a new project to save the modified entity.

The options depend on your needs and privileges.

Learn how to save entities to projects.

Moving entities between projects

If you have the necessary privileges, you can move entities between projects by dragging them to a different location in the Browse tree. Valid locations are highlighted with a dotted border. Moving entities impacts their hierarchy, names, and privileges.

When moving entities, you have these options:

  1. Clone:
    • This action creates a copy of the entity in the new project. The entity in the original project remains unaffected.
  2. Move:
    • The entity is moved to the new project, is automatically renamed, and adopts the permissions of the new project.
    • A view-only copy of the moved entity is created in the original project. This view-only copy is linked to the entity in the new project.
    • Any changes made to the entity in the new project are automatically reflected in the linked copy.
  3. Link:
    • This action creates a view-only copy of the entity in the new project. This copy is linked to the entity in the original project.
    • Any changes made to the entity in the original project are automatically reflected in the linked copy.

Linked entities are visually distinguished by a Link () icon. You cannot edit linked entities directly, but you can clone them.

Removing entities from projects

To remove an entity from a project:

  1. Locate the entity you want to remove in the Browse tree.
  2. Right-click the entity to open the context menu.
  3. Select Remove from project from the context menu. A dialog opens.
  4. In the dialog, click OK. The entity is removed from the project.

Don't to use the Delete... command to remove entities from projects. If you choose the Delete... command, it will permanently delete the entity from the server for all users and projects. This action cannot be undone.

Searching projects

To find projects using smart search, you can use this metadata:

authorUser object
starredByUser object
commentedByUser object
usedByUser object

See also