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Info panes

Info panes provide contextual information about current objects, such as tables, queries, or molecules. The concept is similar to an email client, where clicking a subject reveals the content of an email in another pane. However, in Datagrok, info panes serve a wider range of functions, making use of all Datagrok's capabilities, including scripting, queries, functions, viewers, predictive models, and so on.


In this example, the info panes help you browse database objects, get data, and more. For example, when you click a table, the info panes let you view the table's metadata, dynamically preview the table's contents, or run queries.

What gets shown and when?

Info panes are displayed based on specific conditions:

  • user
  • dataset
  • context
  • user preferences

These conditions are defined using GrokScript, allowing the use of various functions and operators. When the current object changes, the conditions of all registered info panes are checked against the specified parameters, and matching info panes are displayed accordingly.

User condition

You can control access to specific types of info panes based on user attributes such as roles, groups, etc. This condition can be set directly within the script or externally through global permissions.

Code snippet

To set the user condition in a script, use the user variable like this:

# condition: == "john doe" || == "jack smith"
# condition: user.hasrole("chemist")
# condition: user.inteam("high-throughput screening")

Dataset condition

Certain info panes are only relevant when applied to data retrieved from specific data sources. You can define the dataset condition to specify the data source for the table.

Code snippet

To set the dataset condition in a script, use the table variable like this:

# condition: table.gettag("database") == "northwind"

Context condition

Info panes accept only one input parameter, which can be a column, a table, a table cell, or any other object. A condition may check against that object using the parameter name ("x" in a sample code snippet below).

Code snippet
#input: column x
#condition: x.isnumerical && == "f3" && x.stats.missingvaluecount > 0

User preferences

Subject to your permissions, you can control the display of an info pane from the UI. To hide a specific info pane, click the Gear icon on the pane header, then click Do not show. To manage hidden panes, on the Sidebar, click Settings > Panels, and add or remove hidden columns from there.

Default info panes for tabular data

When working with the grid, the default info panes are:

Table, Column, Row, Selection, Current object
Lists available actions (subject to permissions)
Table, Column
Provides access to documentation, class references, and code snippets for the current object. It also has an editor with template scripts for common actions related to the object

Learn more
Shows basic metadata, such as number of rows, columns, source, etc.
Shows all table columns as clickable links, enabling navigation to individual column info panes
Shows relevant models for your dataset (created by you or shared by others). From here, you can manage or train models

Shows the history of actions performed on the table
Shows column properties and summary statistics or distributions for the column's data
Quick access to a column's filter
Color code a column

Shows summary statistics for a column

![](img/context panel -stats.gif)
Specify who can edit a column
Selected columns
Visualizes selected columns for quick profiling

Selected rows
Shows distributions for numerical columns based on selected rows

Selected rows
Shows details for selected rows in a spreadsheet format


Certain grid info panes are provided with the PowerGrid package, which is recommended for installation.

In addition, domain-specific info panes are available in specialized packages, such as the cheminformatics info panes from the Chem package.

See also