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User Profile View

A User Profile View provides detailed information about a specific user in Datagrok.

To open a User View, you have these options:

  1. To open your own User Profile View:
  • On the Sidebar, click your avatar, or
  • On the Sidebar, click Browse () and then double click My Stuff.
  1. To open another user's User Profile View:
    1. On the Sidebar, click Browse > Platform > Users. A Users View opens.
    2. In the Users View, find the user you want and double click it. A User Profile View for that user opens.

The User Profile View consists of several views that you can navigate using the Toolbox:

  1. Summary: Has your avatar (photo) and provides links for changing your password, obtaining a developer key, API key, switching off the admin mode (for administrators only), and logging out of the platform. It also shows messages that were pushed to you as a result of someone else's activity, e.g., when someone shares a project with you.
  2. Chats: Contains the chats you have participated in. You can also start a new chat from here.
  3. Favorites: Shows your favorite objects. Learn how to add an object to favorites.
  4. Activity: Lists user actions on the platform, with the most recent actions appearing on top. To get details about an object you've interacted with, click it and explore the details in the Context Panel.
  5. Entity-specific (Projects, Connections, Queries, Models, Scripts, Jobs, and Notebooks): Each view contains the corresponding entities that were created or used by you.

When you click your avatar or any user in the Users View, the Context Panel updates with user-specific info panes:

  • Personal: Shows your personal information, such as the date you joined and the groups you belong to.
  • Projects: Lists the projects you've created or used.
  • Chat: Shows your chat history.