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Publish packages

To make your package publicly available, you need to publish a package to NPM. Then you will be able to install it to any Datagrok instance using the package manager.

Public packages

Commit and push a new version in package.json for a package to the repository master branch. Then GitHub Actions will handle the rest.

  1. Clone public repository
  2. Make changes in the package or create a new package in the packages/ directory
  3. Test your changes locally
  4. Bump version for a package in package.json. The package version must comply with Semantic Versioning. All packages in the repository must be located in @datagrok scope.
  5. Commit and push all changes, including package.json, to the repository
  6. On the push action GitHub Actions will run workflow:
    1. Build the package first
    2. Then, execute unit tests for the package before publishing.
    3. After successful build and test, the package is pushed to NPM registry
  7. Check that the GitHub Actions workflow finished successfully GitHub Action publish status
  8. Now, you can install a new package version to the Datagrok platform using the package manager

Trigger GitHub Actions manually

If an error occurred for the action triggered by the commit, it is possible to trigger the action manually. GitHub will check the package version from package.json in the NPM repository. If the version is absent, it will run the publishing job. Otherwise, it will run the test and build jobs instead.

  1. Use Packages workflow
  2. Press run workflow and set packages list to publish separated with spaces, for example: Demo Tutorials. Use the master branch. Then Run workflow
  3. Check that the GitHub Actions workflow finished successfully

The same steps can be applied for Libraries workflow , datagrok-tools package and datagrok-api package

Private packages

If the package can not be pushed to the NPM registry, you can publish it to the platform directly.

First, you need to configure local environment to access your Datagrok instance. Then, you can publish the package to the platform. See this guide for details.

grok publish <HOST>

If you want to use this package with other users, share the package with the group.

Share package