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Upload data

To upload a CSV file to the user storage, make the following POST request with the CSV content as body:

method: POST
uri: $DATAGROK_URI/api/files/$LOGIN/uploads/any/path/you/want/file.csv

  • Set $LOGIN to the User login to own the file.
  • Use any path after /uploads/.

The server replies to this request with the URL of the uploaded project.


To apply a layout, use the ?layout parameter in the following way:

  1. Save the layout manually or programmatically
  2. Go to Manage / Layouts, find your saved layout (see picture below). Navigate to Context Panel, hit Links...
  3. In the new window, copy either ID or fully qualified name of the layout. You might want to rename the layout if the name is ambiguous.
  4. Pass ID or Name as a ?layout parameter to the request.



curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/api/files/alex.aprm/uploads/from_excel/test.csv?layout=alexaprm.superlayout' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/csv' \
--data-raw 'a,b

See also: