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Write demo scripts


A demo script is a script that demonstrates step-by-step functionality, such as molecule activity cliffs or similarity search.

Writing a demo script

A demo script is a class that contains certain attributes (name and description) as well as a set of steps (each with a name, function, optional delay, and description). To start writing a demo script in a package, we need to install @datagrok-libraries/tutorials.

The first step is to initialize a DemoScript:

export function demo() {
const demoScript = new DemoScript('Demo', 'Demo description', true, {autoStartFirstStep: true});
// ...

Each demo script should have a name, description, and an isAutomatic flag that sets the type of script. Additionally, there are optional parameters, such as autoStartFirstStep, that automatically initiate the first step in manual scripts.

After initialization, you need to add steps using the step() function:

.step('Step 1', async () => {;
}, {description: 'Step 1 description.', delay: 2000})
.step('Step 2', async () => {'biosensor'));
}, {description: 'Step 2 description.', delay: 2000})
.step('Final step', async () => console.log('Finished'));

Each demo script step contains a mandatory name and an async void func, as well as optional description and delay for each step.

After adding steps, you need to start the demo script asynchronously:

await demoScript.start();

Registering a demo script

Every demo script should be registered as a package demo function. To do that, add a function to your package.ts file. It should have the meta.demoPath parameter, where you specify the path of the demo. Also, you have to specify the demo script type with a meta.isDemoScript parameter, which can be either set to True or False. There is also an optional parameter, description, which contents are displayed in the UI tooltip in the demo application.

import {demo} from './demo-app/demo-script';

//name: Demo script
//description: Illustrates the work of the demo script
//meta.demoPath: Viewers | Demo Script
//meta.isDemoScript: True
export function demoScript() {
return new demo();

Without a specified demoPath, the demo script won't be included in the demo application and will only exist as a package function. Similarly, if you don't specify the isDemoScript parameter, it won't be rendered as a demo script in the app, and it won't have a dedicated view.

See also: