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A scatterplot displays data points on the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) axes to show the relationship between two variables. By using marker color, shape, and size, you can show up to three additional data dimensions. Use the scatterplot to explore patterns and relationships between variables in your data.

A scatterplot is a chemically-aware viewer and can be used to explore a chemical space.


To show the relationship between three variables, use a 3D Scatterplot.


Context menuRight-click
ZoomAlt+Mouse Drag
Zoom inMouse Wheel Up or Plus
Zoom outMouse Wheel Down or Minus
Double-clickReset view
SelectShift+Mouse Drag
Invert selectedCtrl+Mouse Click
ScrollUp, Down, Left, Right
Toggle lasso toolL
Toggle regression lineR
Show in full screenAlt+F


Adding and configuring a scatterplot

To add a scatterplot, click the Scatterplot icon on the Toolbox.

Use the viewer controls to select columns for each axis and marker color and size. For additional configurations, click the Gear icon on top of the viewer and set your preferences in the Context Panel. Here, you can change the background, adjust the legend position, add or remove labels, show drop lines, and more. You can also access key settings from the context menu by right-clicking.

Molecular structures rendering

To add a scatterplot from the Console, use'Scatterplot');

A scatterplot can show reference lines that represent formulas or equations. These lines are used to emphasize specific areas on the chart or data. Common examples include a regression line, value bands, and so on.

To toggle a regression line, press the R key.

To show a custom formula line, right-click a scatterplot, then choose Tools

Formula Lines... This action opens a Formula Lines dialog. Here, enter your formula and configure the line settings. Your formula should refer to the columns on the X and Y axes. The syntax for the formula is similar to that used to Add New Column.

Formula lines

Filtering and selection

To adjust the data display settings, use the Data info pane from the Context Panel. Here, you can specify which rows to show on the scatterplot, define zoom and filtering actions, and so on.

For manual selection settings, use the Misc info pane. Here, you can choose the selector you want and define actions for the mouse drag.


By default, a scatterplot inherits the tooltip from the grid. However, you can customize the scatterplot's tooltip to show the data you want using the Tooltip info panel or via the context menu.

In addition, a scatterplot itself can be used as a group tooltip, which may be especially useful when dealing with grouped or clustered data or when the screen space is limited.

Group Tooltip

To use this feature:

  1. Add and configure a scatterplot.
  2. From the context menu, select Tooltip > Use as Group Tooltip.
  3. Optional. Close the scatterplot.



See also: